Farm-raised Salmon

Top Cultivated Items We Are Distributing

A balanced diet should include fish and seafood, however global marine fish populations are declining due to overfishing and a rising demand in many regions of the world. However, meeting consumer demands while easing pressure on wild fish supplies is possible through farmed fishing.

Fish farming is the practice of raising fish for commercial purposes in an enclosure or, where it takes place in a body of freshwater or marine water, in a region that is separated from the surrounding ocean by cages or open nets.

The most prevalent kind of salmon is farm-raised, and because of their well controlled diet, farm-raised salmon have more nutrients. Typically, plants, grains, and fishmeal are part of their meals. Salmon is well regarded for its health advantages, with its rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been found to support a number of critical functions, including cellular function, nervous system regulation, and inflammatory responses.

Fish farming reduces the price of fish and overfishing, which otherwise may end up endangering wild fish and causing major environmental disruptions. Due to aquaculture, more people worldwide may incorporate seafood into their diets because fish is a fantastic high-protein food option. Additionally, compared to other forms of livestock production, aquaculture has a tendency to be more environmentally friendly.

At Blake’s Fine Foods, we have the honour of offering exceptional quality farmed fish such as Rainbow Trout from South Africa and Salmon from Norway. With the addition of premium quality, this is undoubtedly some of the best farmed fish available for purchase in South Africa.



In order to feed the planet’s ever-increasing population, humans need to find alternative sources of seafood due to the ongoing overfishing of our oceans and other natural resources. The method to close the supply gap for fish is aquaculture. The answer to giving future generations access to wholesome and ecologically friendly protein sources is to farm fish responsibly and sustainably.

The focus of Blake’s Fine Foods is on delicious food and the personal moments shared between and during meals. Buying from our selection of farmed fish and cultivated seafood is a no-brainer; it offers locals unmatched flavours and quality.

Contact us today to find out more about farmed fish and cultivated seafood offerings – only available at Blake’s Fine Foods.